I’m writing this the day after England managed to squeak past Denmark to make it to the European Championship final.  It’s amazing how sport can create drama unlike anything else.  So, with humble thanks for the indulgence for those amongst you who are untouched by this, I just wanted to write a few words.  It’ll […]


I mentioned earlier this month that I was feeling positive about being able to get back to doing some of my favourite things again, now that it seems (insert caveat) that things are moving towards the better.  One of those is going to the cinema.   Like a lot of people, I’ve got a pretty […]


As I mentioned last month, I plan on answering a question or two each month from one of my readers.  This month, KristiLynne Stanley asks – “do you find yourself getting ideas for another story in the middle of your writing, and if so, what do you do?”   It’s a problem!   Everyone tells stories all […]


Someone has worked out that WANDAVISION is the most popular show in the world at the moment.  It follows THE MANDALORIAN as another example of Disney choosing to release their flagship series weekly, as opposed to what was becoming the standard – the release of all episodes at once.  Releasing an entire series was seen […]

The Leftovers And The Importance Of Theme

So, wildly late to it, but in this world of “everything is available forever” I don’t feel too bad for only now getting around to watching THE LEFTOVERS. I’ve worked backwards – I enjoyed WATCHMEN, and having been aware of Damon Lindelof’s writing for years now, wanted to explore another series where he was able […]

Lockdown Hard With A Vengeance

So, here we are again. For those reading who aren’t au fait with the state of things in the UK (and I can’t imagine why – it’s not like there’s much else going on…) we have just been put back in a country-wide lockdown, for the third time now.   It’s hard not to feel […]

2021 – Green Shoots And Taking Stock

As we come to the end of 2020, the usual end of year reflection and optimistic hopes for the new year take on even greater significance than before. It’s been a year… but we made it, and looking at the blank slate of a new year stretching out ahead of us, I can’t help but feel positive […]


I think, like most of the world, I’ve an up and down relationship with STAR WARS. Due to the smorgasbord approach of George Lucas (over forty years ago!) there’s always something to like in the universe that he built, even when some of the choices might not necessarily be ones I can completely get behind. […]

SUCCESSION And Writing Without Heroes

I’ve been working my way through my endless list of TV shows to be watched, taking whatever chance I can get to switch my brain into a different gear after a long day mining words at the coalface. In a way, it’s a bit like the famous Stephen King quote about writers – “If you […]

“Libraries Gave Us Power…”

I was fortunate enough to spend a few days in my hometown recently. I happened to pass the library as I walked through the town centre. Even years later, it was reassuring to see that it looks just as it did when I used to visit.   Growing up, the library was a huge part […]